The Ten Commandments of Weightloss (for Me)
The Ten Commandments
- Watch the sugar.
- Record calories.
- Eat often.
- Eat protein.
- Pace yourself.
- Plan your food.
- Use willpower in short bursts.
- Lift weights.
- Do intense cardio.
- Walk daily.
The Explanation
- I have issues with sugar. I may have to avoid it entirely sometimes in order to prevent bingeing.
- To lose or even maintain my weight, I must record my calories at the end of the day. When I stop recording my calories, my weight increases rapidly. I can lose weight at about 2800 calories a day, assuming I exercise a lot and am consistent with my eating.
- At least for now, in order to feel okay, I must eat every three hours, if not more often.
- To feel okay, I must also eat a lot of protein.
- If I've overeaten early, I cannot make up for it by eating less later in the day without feeling crappy. I'm not willing to feel crappy to lose a seventh of a pound. In fact, based on my experience, I'm willing to gain a seventh of a pound or more rather than feeling crappy. Whether I eat 400 calories or 700 calories for lunch or dinner, I'll be just as hungry 2.5-3 hours later.
- I can most easily lose weight by planning a sensible eating schedule at the beginning of each day. Although I'm not great at sticking to it, I generally come close. Therefore, I plan to eat fewer calories than I have to in order to lose weight.
- If I don't have a plan for the day, it's easy to exercise willpower for the thirty seconds it takes to commit to a healthy meal. I don't need willpower all day, just for several thirty second periods.
- Weight training seems to make me lose weight and gain muscle even if I do only one set of each major exercise a few times a week.
- Intense cardio appears to help more than long, slow cardio.
- Even short, daily walks seem to help.
I have not checked out your whole site, but I am in the process of losing 135 lbs (I'm at 106 lbs so far)...If I could help you to understand the process (what I know).. I'd be glad!
visit my site and email me...
I'm not scamming you , just read your post and thought I might help?
I started avoiding foods I call noisy food, that is food that make me think why? why? WHY? after I eat them, they usually come in the form of food with white flour, or the word fried.
Great blog thanks
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